
Long-Term Engagements

πŸš€ For post-Seed to pre-Series B Enterprise products and services companies, we provide fractional[1] CRO, COO, CMO, CTO, CDO, or retained strategic leadership roles for product-led, community-led, channel-led, sales-led, and M&A-led growth.

πŸ“Š For PE-backed companies, we enhance portfolio company operational excellence, improve portfolio company positioning, and deliver bankable analysis services.

Single Event Consultations

πŸ›ŽοΈ Contact us to get started

πŸ—“οΈ Please visit our published list of scheduled events.

  1. β€œA fractional is a part-time fully embedded leader.” Source: β†©οΈŽ

  2. β€œβ€‹The only difference between a fractional, and their full-time counterpart, is that they are part-time.” Source: β†©οΈŽ